Great Plains Dynamics GP Consultants Offering Upgrade - Alba Spectrum
Released on: August 6, 2008, 4:46 pm
Press Release Author: Alba Spectrum
Industry: Computers
Press Release Summary: Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP version update requires consultant involvement and it is typically done through Great Plains Certified Partner and Reseller, also referred as VAR or Value Added Reseller.
Press Release Body: Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP version update requires consultant involvement and it is typically done through Great Plains Certified Partner and Reseller, also referred as VAR or Value Added Reseller. In upgrade initiative important role is Customization code review by Great Plains Dexterity or eConnect programmer as if your new version will fail in custom logic, all the company and business operations might be at risk. If you have extensive custom reporting, written in ReportWriter, Crystal Reports or Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (or even in Microsoft Access reports) are also important in version update. Current version of Microsoft Dynamics GP is 10.0. We are comfortable in upgrade from versions: 3.2, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 9.0 as well as data migration from Pervasive SQL to MS SQL Server, Great Plains Accounting for DOS and Windows (9.2 and 9.5) migration to Dynamics GP. Our special attention is to technically challenging projects with advanced integration, modifications, EDI, data migration and conversion. GP technology overview:
1. Great Plains Dexterity platform. Great Plains Software built Great Plains Dynamics on Dex platform back in earlier 1990th. Dex in turn is the shell written in C programming language to provide some level of ERP transferability to different computer and DB platforms. Dex programming requires dedication and years of experience, it is not recommended to hire newcomers to Great Plains Dexterity programming, especially considering the fact that Dex Source Code program is only available to limited number of GP channel partners and ISV
2. Service Pack and upgrade paths. Microsoft Dynamics GP as well as majority of corporate ERP and MRP systems are dependent on the right service pack and upgrade path recommendation. If you do not have GP certification and access to recent recommendations, you are probably at risk and should not try upgrade on your own (from downloads, such as MSDN, for example)
3. Hardware Upgrade and Recommendations. In general, on your GP customer source you can find recommended hardware for small, midsize and large corporate business, if you are not sure, you should check with your Great Plains VAR of record
4. Great Plains Dynamics GP remote support. Here you probably need Great Plains Technical consultant with reasonable hourly rates to support you with reasonable response time from GP Call Center. If you have modifications, then call center should have direct connection with Great Plains Software Development factory
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Contact Details: Andrew Karasev, Alba Spectrum 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918, serving Great Plains USA and Canada nationwide. Local service in Chicago, Houston, Dallas, San Diego. Please visit our information portal Pegas Planet: . If you need custom programming for GP, we are happy to help you with Dexterity, eConnect, VBA/Modifier, SQL Stored Procedures, Crystal Reports. We also provide instant support to new and existing clients via web sessions for the customers in CA, IL, WI, NY, FL, IN, MI, TX, GA, NE, NM, AI, NC, SC, OR, WA, DC, DE, PA, VI, AZ, LA
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